29 February, 2012

Learning to Work With, Not Against, Your Menstrual Cycle

This resource was one of the most important and, for me, eye opening things I have read in order to understand myself  better as a woman. It is a free e-book, and a relatively quick and an easy read.

It explains how each month we go through different phases in our menstrual cycle, similar to the seasons. We are energetic warm vibrant beings in the summer months and can achieve a lot. We slow a little in the Autumn months and turn inwards and are reflective and too many tasks at once can be overwhelming. If we over do it this is the usual 'PMS' time. Our Winter is when we bleed, and we need to take it slow, make sure we get enough sleep, and look after ourselves. Spring is when things start to warm up again and social energy returns.

We really do need to (excuse the pun) go with the flow. I used to get so frustrated at myself for being a little slower, needing to rest a little more at certain times. Now I embrace these times, because I know I need them, I know they bring their own unique gifts, and because I know that the 'summer' will return again. 

I thoroughly recommend this e-book to each and every woman - and each and every young woman beginning their first bleeds. I think this kind of information for young girls would make an immense difference to their lives. It took me until I was 28 to accept my different energies of my cycle and to embrace them and fully utilize them.  

Get this free book here.

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